Wednesday, March 17, 2010

nature and homosexuality


Nobody ever though a topic of this nature would become a public discourse. Like a bolt from the sky, it came suddenly; like a thief in the night; it stealthily walked into the vocabulary of the discourse of Nigerian peoples. Like a Royal it has erupted into the pinnacle of the Senate. Will it become law, or will it become a crime?

I am not referring to the practice of homosexuality, but the open discussion of it. Homosexuality is not something taught to Africans by “unscrupulous Europeans”. It is something that has been with us since the beginning of African culture. It is something that has been with us since the dawn of human civilization. It is something that has been with us since pre-civilization days. My brothers and sisters –believe it or not-homosexuality existed even in the animal kingdom. Evolutionists have shown severally that since the dawn of time, it has been practiced.

Today the senate is fighting to criminalize an act that in most cases, is not the fault of the ‘perpetrators’. Even if we take homosexuality to be a crime, it will fall under the same category as madness, imbecility, or left-handedness. Should they legislate a law to punish the aforementioned categories of people? Your answer is as good as mine.

What exactly is homosexuality? It is sexual act between two people of the same sex: man and man, or woman and woman. There are also passive homosexuals: these are people who have sexual feelings and erotic imageries of same sex individuals without actually carrying out such acts. There are also circumstantial homosexuals: these are homosexual practitioners due to circumstances of confinement etc.

About 90% of people have homosexual tendencies, about 5% are strictly homosexual and about 5%; are strictly heterosexual St Aelred the Queer (2006).

After saying this, it will be good to show homosexual practices among animals.


A lot of homosexual tendencies have been recorded among animals. Most of these animals were in the wild. They have never come in contact with human beings. The practice is an outlet for sexual release. The animals never felt guilty being homosexuals, nor do other animals legislate to punish the ‘Queer’ animals. Nobody rains Holy Ghost fire on them, nor do they curse them with Yasin. They are perfect the way there are.

James Owen who reported for National Geographic News showed that gay animals were rampant. He saw them in birds, bees, dolphins, penguins, female macaques etc. To his dismay there are a few Ostriches that would not mount female Ostriches; they are only interested in their fellow males. Had the devil possessed these animals? Is Lucifer winning over God? The answer is a simple “no”! It is God’s design for them to be that way. See James Owen, National Geographic News, July 23, 2004 for fuller details.

Frans B.M de Waal carried out a more detailed research on apes. She discovered that homosexual sex is common among apes of all categories: chimpanzees, orangutans, gibbons, gorillas etc. She discovered that it is more rampant among the Bonobo chimpanzees; they are predominantly a matriarchal homosexual-based society. They settle their scores with gay sex; frotting and tribadism is the norm in their society. See her book “Bonobo Sex and Society” online. What will be the Opinion of hard stance moralists and religions zealots? “Kill all the Bonobos”.

From the studies of Owen and Frans de Waal and James Owen, it is evident that homosexual practices take place even in non-human societies: in the animal realm.

It is not only in the animal kingdom, it was present in all ancient human societies.


What doesn’t exist doesn’t have a name. The sexual vocabulary of African peoples-all across the continent –has a term that could be translated for homosexuality. In Yoruba it is called ‘gbowo’ in Hausa it is called ‘yan dauda’ or’dan dauda’ in Congo and Angola it is called “Jimbandaa”.

On homosexuality in Hausaland, Aelred the Queer says “The Hausa as a people have terms in their language that is used to describe homosexuals. Two terms are common, ‘yan dauda’, which is usually translated as ”homosexual” or “transvestite” and ‘dan dauda’, which translates as homosexual “wife”. The ‘yan dauda in Hausaland engage in stereotypical professions, much marginalised as gay men in the west do”.

The San people of Zimbabwe have paintings in rocks, which shows that homosexual practices have been practiced there for thousands of years. The San people painted vivid scenes of homosexual sex thousands of years ago on the rocks.

The Pangwe of Cameroon have many stories of gay acts in their traditional legends.

People have reported mutual masturbation all over Africa. In fact in most ancient African societies, pre-adolescent homosexual acts, were the norm and not the exception.

“In Cameroon for example, homosexual acts as late as age 17 are considered innocent, not being “true” sexual acts”, (St. Aelred the Queer: 2006)
In Warri Delta state of Nigeria a high chief was called Omote (female in Urhobo ) he was usually romanced by boys, who teased him(her). He had to change his name to avoid these homo-erotic boys Gregpoy Umukoro (1997).


In India the practice was rampant and ubiquitous.

Dr. Derdutt Patatuk comments “love of a man for a boy was institutionalized in ancient Greece, amongst Samurais in Japan, in certain African, as well as Polynesian tribes. Amongst some Native and South American tribes, erotic relationship between men was acceptable so long as one of the partners is feminine”. (2006).

In some circles it is connected with religion and it serves a religious function. Hear him “In Indian epics and chronicles, there are occasional reference to same-sex intercourse. For example, in Valmiki Ramayana, Hanuman is said to have seen Rakshasa women kissing the women that were been kissed and embraced by Rawana”.

In India, men who express themselves socially as women are called ‘Hijras’; “Auparashtika” is a term for male masseurs who indulge in oral sex. While in South America they are called ‘berdaches’ and they are believed by the natives to possess mystic powers.


By researches carried out by many scientists. It is clear that like left-handedness, and homosexuality is caused by unique characteristics in a persons biological make-up. Far from demon possession, many homomsexuals have some factors in their brains that make them to behave the way they do. Some factors that contribute to the homosexual tendencies are as follows.

1) the shape and structure of the brain itself.
2) Hormonal imbalance
3) Chromosome imbalance


The brains of many homosexual men mimic those of women. Kenneth M Cohen (PhD 2002) discovered that part of the the brain that deals with male sexuality functions are not developed in homosexual men . Instead they have the feminine aspects of their brains developed. It is vice versa for lesbians. Gay men enjoy task that are suitable for women. Hence, many ‘yandaudus’ in the Northern part of the country enjoy streotypical
Feminine tasks.
Laura S Allen (PhD 1992) diiscovers that the ‘anterior commissure’ , a fiber in the brain that that divides the the brain into two halves is larger in its mid sagittal in women than in men. The size of the mid sagittal is only 18% diferrent in homosexual men than in women. The proportion of heterosexual men and women is 34%. In a nutshell the midsagittal is more similar in gay men and women , which accounts for their ‘queer’ sexual behavoir. The mid sagittal is more similar in homosexual men and women , than they are to their straiight counterparts. Simon Levay (2004) noticed that two of the cell groups (nuclei) in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain that controls sex urge ) is larger in hetrosexual men than in women. The cell group nuclei (INAH-3) are the same size in gay men as in women.


The hormones are the bio-chemical substances in one that determines wether one will be a man oor a woman. They are closely connected with the genes . A bilogical girl is usually the result of two X chromosomes coming together at pregnancy. A boy is usually the result of one X and one Y chromosome coming together at pregnancy. Both the male and the female can produce the X chromosomes ; but it is the prerogative of the man to produce the Y chromosome. So, contrary to popular beliefs, the male determines the sex of the child , not the female. But in some rare cases if a woman’s vagina is too acidic , it might kill all the Y chromosome before they get to the womb. But in some rare cases a child might be born with XXY chromosome and they will be come monstrousities and oddities. Many of these people display gay characteristics. Justice Bayo Ojo once wrote about this aberration. But I don’t have the article handy to quote properly.


Richard Pillard , a sexologist carried out many experiments.from his findings he discovered that the hormones in most homosexual men are female hormones ; while the hormornes in many lesbian women are male hormones. Here Pilhard is referring to true Homosexuals not the sexuial adventurists. He experimented with rodents(animals like rats ) in the laboratory. Male rats injected in the womb with female hormones display female sexual characteristics. They mimic female rats and had sex with male rats; female rats injected in the womb with male hormones , behaved like male rats and had sex with female rats

To further verify his findings , he carried out more experiments with rhesus monkeys . He discovered that the foetus of female rhesus monkeys that were exposed to male hormones prenatally ,behaved much like males they enjoy the rough-and –tumble play of male rhesus monkeys and had sex wiith fellow femmale monkeys. Pillard discoversd that females (humans) with (CAH) Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia): that is to say girls that are exposesd to alot of male hormones in the womb display over enlarged clitorises about 2-6 inch monstrous and awesome. These ladies were said to be able to satisfy their mates with their huge and powerful erections. A girl in Warri is rumoured to have a fiver. Due to the excess of male hormones. The ancient Africans realized the oddity in a few women and legislate that all women should be circumcised to ease competition from these types of women who might steal their wives from them. Hence clitoridectomy is now the vogue.

It is cheap to condemn and criticise what we do not understand. This is coming as a sequel to all those who chastised me when I wrote my first article. I am not supporting the gay life , but I am saying one should know enough before bringing harsh criticism. About my sexuality -- yes! I am a happily married man with lot of common sense. I don’t condemn any body until I know all the facts. I still repeat that psychologists, psysciatrists, biologists, anthropologists, historians Political scientist and all those that deal with social and biological aspects of humanity should be in the van of this debate. I am not against born agains and some near demented pastors, but they should discuss facts not religious sentiments not backed by science and common sense.


(1) Allow the act between consenting adults as long as they don’t have their sex in the open.
(2) Punish adults who indulge with minors.
(3) If the gay people cannot be tolerated, The “offenders” should be rehabilitated to “normal” society

Pastors Imams, and those who know very little of biology, religious history and even the humanities should not use their daft and benighted thinking to punish innocent people. Enough is enough!


Augustine Oghanrandukun (St . Ifa)


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